7 Tips to Optimise React Native app performance

There’s no doubt the reality is the case that React Native is the future of creating hybrid apps. It is scalable, flexible, speedy, high-performance, and cost-efficiency. It is no wonder that numerous successful businesses rely heavily on React Native for building their applications. In the digital age of the Internet, every business requires an app that is highly efficient and meets the needs of its customers.

React Native tries to provide all the necessary features for developing a top-performing application. It’s possible to use expert React Native app development UK Services to increase the efficiency of the application. You can also discover and implement the most effective practices on your own.

Although React Native is one of the most popular app development technologies, issues with your application’s performance may occur from time to time. 

In this article, we’ll review some best practices to improve the speed and performance of React Native apps.

React Native:

React Native is among the most popular application development frameworks apps developers UK utilize to build the desired mobile apps quickly. Like any other framework, this React Native framework also has certain drawbacks, and the community of App Developers UK is constantly changing it. There are a few well-known React Native applications like Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, and numerous others. If you’re curious about what you should know about React Native performance, you’ll find all the information you need in this article.

How does React Native work?

A React Native app consists of two components: JavaScript codes and native codes. Native codes are different and do not normally communicate independently.

The Bridge between JavaScript and the Native codes can transmit the serialized JSON objects of JavaScript to the JavaScript thread over to the Native line and vice versa.

While Facebook is currently working to improve the React Native architecture (and a reason to never quit on React Native) that would allow JavaScript code to speak directly to Native codes via the JavaScript Interface (JSI), problems with performance can occur with the current system when dealing with complicated processes. 

Let’s look at the most efficient practices for increasing the performance of the React Native application with several examples of code.

7 ways to optimize React Native App performance:

Let’s dive into some of the most effective methods to improve the performance of the React Native app.

1. Utilize the appropriate navigation Strategies:

There are times when UK app developers face difficulties with Navigation in React Native apps. Problems with Navigation can make it impossible for apps to provide users with the best experience. Due to the active and huge React Native developer community, several navigation issues have been solved. However, you might encounter some problems that need to be resolved by yourself. Several solutions to these issues include React Navigation, iOS Navigator, Navigator, and Navigation Experiment. React Navigation is preferred by developers for a broad range of applications regardless of size. iOS Navigator is only used to develop iOS navigation development and to address navigation issues in small apps and prototyping.

2. Do does not use Scroll View to render massive Lists:

When it comes to showing things in React Native with scrollable lists, there are two ways to achieve this with ScrollView and FlatList components. Displaying a scrollable list using ScrollView is straightforward. 

3. Beware of Passing Functions inline as Props:

When passing functions as an attribute to an element, it is best not to pass that function inside. When the parent component re-renders a brand-new reference, this results in a different function. In simple terms, the child component renders even though the props were not changed even if the reinforcements did not change. This way, you eliminate the chance of removing references between renderings that are re-renders.

4. Use Resizing and Scaling Images:

You should make sure you optimize images, as well as graphical content, when you are trying to improve the efficiency of the React Native app. If there are multiple pictures rendered within the React Native app, it could result in excessive memory consumption on your device. This is why optimizing images properly regarding resolution and size is crucial. If you do it correctly, your application will most likely be able to function because of memory overload. One of the best React Native app image practices includes using PNG standard instead of JPG format and images with smaller resolutions. You can also use the WEBP format to reduce the size of binary ideas for iOS and Android by three-quarters of the original length.

5. Cache Images:

Images are the primary element in React Native. It is used to display images, but it is not an easy solution for solving various issues, such as rendering large numbers of images on one display, performance of cache loading issues, poor overall app efficiency, image flickering, etc. There are, however, solutions to these problems. Using third-party libraries like react-native-fast-image is one way, and this library performs like magic for both iOS application development and Android.

6. Beware of unnecessary renderings:

If you want to stay clear of excessive renderings in the primary threads of React Native apps, there is a method to optimize the performance. You can accomplish this by using React. Memo () to handle memorization. In simple terms, if components receive similar properties multiple times, they will use the properties previously cached in rendering the JSX view that is returned to the function component once, reducing the overall rendering time.

7. Make Hermes:

Hermes is nothing more than an open-source JavaScript engine that is optimized explicitly for mobile-based applications. If you choose to use expert apps developers UK from an experienced firm, it will assist you in installing Hermes to run on iOS and Android.


There are various ways to optimize your performance, so keep learning the best techniques here! Utilizing the native Driver that includes animation libraries, for instance, can help you avoid using arrows. It is also vital to prevent excessive use of higher-order components and implement bulk reducers while using style references correctly. While React Native is a popular and highly-performing framework, creating applications with a performance at the forefront from the very beginning will ensure that you get better performance.